The last weekend of July athletes stay with us at Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping who are participating in the Mackinaw Multi-Sport Mix. This event incorporates these competitions:
- Sprint Triathlon - 800m swim, 30k bike, 5k run
- Duathlon - 2mi run, 30k bike, 5k run
- Aquabike - 800M Swim, 30k bike
- Kayatri- 2 mile Kayak/stand-up Paddleboard, 30k bike, 5k run
- Open 5k run
The 2014 Mackinaw Multi-Sport Mix will be held on July 27th.
Among the participants staying with us at the camp last year was Rick Van Beek and his daughter Madison (who was born with severe Cerebral Palsy). That was how we learned about "Team Maddy."

This article in the Daily News will give you more information on the inspiring story of "Team Maddy."
Did you know that there are athletes that take disabled children with them on sporting events? That practice was part of the genesis of "Team Maddy." Their story was so inspiring that we decided to create the video (below) so that Rick could share his story personally.
You can learn more about the Mackinaw Multi-Sport Mix (Mackinaw City) as well as this wonderful new idea of athletes sharing the experience of their physical prowess with those who are less fortunate by watching our video (below).
You can also find out more about "Team Maddy" by clicking on the thumbnail of the Daily News news article (left) or by "liking" the "Team Maddy" Facebook page.
Team Maddy of the Mackinaw Multi-Sport Mix
If you find this story as inspiring as we did, please "like," and share it!