This summer is Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping's 50th anniversary of operation!
Everyone is making their best effort to have the campground at its best in our 50th year anniversary, so we are replacing signs, putting new wood on tables and most anything needed to keep the place looking ship shape!
It was a long cold winter, but we still were able to accomplish a lot. We have doubled the size of sites on three roads in our full hookup section. These sites are now 50 foot by 50 foot! We hope to continue this trend until all of these sites are some of the largest full hookup sites available.

The harsh winter killed a lot of trees and bushes, so we have planted literally hundreds and hundreds of new trees.
We were able to put a fresh coat of red cedar stain on most all of our lakefront cabins - they look sharp.
Still to come, this week we will pave the road from the park store to the office. This will cut down on dust and the need to water that road and grading out potholes. We can't wait!
We have been through an upgrade of our camp management software, which caused a slowdown in our processing of reservations this spring (are you one of those people that had to wait for your reservation to be processed - sorry!!) as we were switching over. It was a big job, but now that things are rolling, we are caught up and we think it will be better than ever. It gives us the ability to see on a map where everyone is, so that, when possible, we can give our campers elbow room.
We are starting to replace our pool furniture with handmade wooden lounges and chairs. Everyone loved the sample ones we made so we are going ahead and hoping that by this time next year it will be 100% custom Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping furniture. All made by the same artisans that create our beautiful cabins.

We continue to add more and more of our popular permanent firepits that have been upcycled (by our onsite artisans) using slices of large LP gas tanks filled with concrete.
We remodeled two of our men's lake area restrooms, combining them into one large room and installed new woodwork and wooden decking around our Supersaver bathrooms in the wooded area.
After the long cold snowy winter, the water level in Lake Huron has recovered and now surrounds our boat launch. Though higher, the water probably won't be deep enough to launch any boats this season. Perhaps another snowy winter will restore the water levels and the function of our boat launch to normal next year!
We continue to upgrade and improve our Wi-Fi and added an additional 100 MB per second feed to the park for 2014.