Our webmaster is responsible for maintaining this and our other websites. For website related technical issues including, but not limited to:
- error messages
- spelling errors or typos
- problems with design or functionality
- any other website-related issues
... or if something just doesn't seem to be working right, please send an e-mail to the webmaster at webmaster@campmackinaw.com.
About the Webmaster
We are handmade4you, the webmasters for the Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping website.
Our professional site: http://www.handmade4you.com/
We specialize in search engine optimization (getting your site to appear high in search engine rankings in Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.).
Other skills include video, audio and web slideshows.
We also do consultations that are aimed towards helping you get more traffic to your site. No hype. No tricks. We will inform you on what the current state of the art is and how it can help you.
We won't take your job if we can't help you, but if we can't take your job we can steer you in the right direction. We can offer you solid work experience and a track record.
Initial consultations are free. Consultations including an analysis of your current web page or future web page are $250.
I'm helping to find a cure for Cancer and Alzheimer's.
You can, too! With the Folding at Home project!